Flowmore in Action

Flowmore Services: Photo 1Photo 1
Flowmore Services: Photo 2Photo 2
Flowmore Services: Photo 3Photo 3
Flowmore Services: Photo 4Photo 4
Flowmore Services: Photo 5Photo 5
Flowmore Services: Photo 6Photo 6
Flowmore in action

Flowmore in action

Flowmore Services offers lump sum, time/materials and per foot pricing. Contact us for budget estimates, firm quotes, references or to simply discuss your pipeline cleaning requirements. We serve both domestic and most international markets.

Pipeline Cleaning step-by-step

The photos at right demonstrate how introducing POLY-PIGS into the pipeline works to clean the line.

Photo 1 shows the poly pig being introduced into the pipeline.

Photo 2 shows dirty water being forced out of the line ahead of the pig. As each pig moves down the line, the effluent gets darker .

Photo 3 as more buildup is removed.

Photo 4, 5, & 6 Finally, the water released from the line is clear with a highly increased flow in photos 4 and 5. Photo 6 shows used poly-pigs called swabs after their trip down the pipeline. The results of pigging include restored flow, reduced pumping costs, and a much cleaner product once impurities are removed.

The Results ....

  • Restored Flow: It is not uncommon to see flow increases of double (or more) in old lines
  • Reduced Pumping Costs: Power savings can be dramatic in large lines
  • Cleaner Product: Impurities such as Red Water can be eliminated
  • Pleased Customers: Due to good results and minimum service downtime

Contact us for more information ....

Let one of our Flowmore service specialists help you get started on your pipeline cleaning project.

Request a free service quote.

Contact us at

Tel: (281) 351-7979 Fax: (281) 255-2385 Toll-Free: (800) 356-9667


Website: flowmore.com

Contact Pipeline Pigging Products

Contact us to learn more about our products and what we can offer your company.